You know me and snacks. I love 'em. They've had times when they've been put on a pedestal, then deemed unhealthy and unnecessary and now they're back to being the cool kids again. That's not why I love them though. I love them because when it comes to having a balanced relationship with food, it's so important to listen to your body, not only when it's satisfied and it's time to put down the fork, but especially when it's telling you it's hungry and it's time to re-fuel. Sometimes this happens between meals and that's totally ok because snacks are amazing!
Snacks are a quick and easy meal that can help you feel satisfied, and it will prevent reaching your next meal like the shark from Jaws. All good stuff.
When it comes to a vegan diet, they're also a great way to make sure you're eating enough calories, they give you extra opportunities to eat bonus fruits or veggies, fill up with some plant based protein, add some more greens or whole grains, or even some crunchy, sweet, spicy, creamy goodness that's just plain fun, and part of the experience of being a normal eater.
Snacks rule.
Snacks however, and I think breakfast can sometimes fall in this category too, is a place where often times we get stuck in a rut, making the same two things over and over and never feeling really satisfied. It can be so helpful to get some new ideas for quick snacks you can take on the go, or some you can just sip and enjoy, or some you can assemble in a pinch with what you have in your pantry. Today we're doing just that. I'm teaching you my three latest obsessions, and all of them are easy to prepare, delicious, and will satisfy both sweet and savory cravings.
Are you ready? Time for some snacks!
Do you have any favorites when it comes to vegan snacks? Leave them in the comments below!
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