HUGE Announcement: The Top Secret Project We've been Working on for Ya!

HUGE Announcement: The Top Secret Project We've been Working on for Ya!

diet & exercise lifestyle news on being vegan podcast vegan travel Jul 31, 2018


The day that I've been hinting about endlessly has arrived! Long gone are the days in which I tease you mercilessly and tell you about how excited we are feeling about the top secret project we've been working on, or the time I showed you lots of pictures of all the fun we were having at a mystery house in the mountains, or the time I shared how I fell in love with Carlos even more over a wooden table in the middle of a mountain thanks to this little top secret thing we've been working on.

The wait is over my friends! At least the wait to share what it is we've been working on with blood sweat and tears over the past year. 

Are you ready?!


Announcing Brownble's new course: The Roadmap, the most comprehensive online course to help you go vegan simply and deliciously ! Coming this Fall (2018) 

Brownble is releasing a new course this fall! I think it's one of the most special things we've created, and by the time it's live (fall 2018), we will have been working on it like little worker bees for over a year.

This awesome project that came into fruition only and exclusively because of you, is called The Roadmap, and to sum it up, at least until it's live and you can watch our full video trailer on it, it's one of the biggest courses we've ever created, in which we're going to give you the most comprehensive yet simple guide to going vegan. That's right, the tagline of The Roadmap is "Going Vegan, Made Simple", and it includes everything that Carlos and I would have wished we had when we went vegan many moons ago, including all the things we didn't know in the beginning that would eventually become so important on our journeys to finding balance and peace with food.

Although we do almost everything at Brownble together, this one was a true labor of love, and we totally merged Carlos's medical background (not to mention his unbelievable techie and filming skills that I must say were on fire in this one), with my cooking and teaching background, and we tailored everything specifically for new vegans, people who want to go vegan, people who are nowhere near vegan but are curious, and also for vegans that have been eating this way for a bit but are feeling the need to hit that reset button because something seems off or needs a new approach. 

Although you'll be able to see the full curriculum, structure, modules, content and lessons in this course very soon, here's some of what you can expect with this baby: We'll cover the importance of mindset and how to approach any big change, we cover the big why's of veganism, including a few that we've never talked about before at Brownble so that you're inspired and motivated to the max. We cover vegan nutrition, how to build a balanced plate without obsessing over portions or counting, as well as appropriate supplementation. We answer all your vegan questions, help guide you through some of the physical and emotional changes you might go through during this process. We'll have modules on shopping, modules on budget friendly cooking, and of course, so much on the social changes that take place when we go vegan and how to navigate every single situation that might arise. Of course, you can also expect lots of delicious vegan food! I mean... it isn't Brownble if there isn't delicious finger licking good food!

The best part? This little list I just gave you, doesn't even cover a third of what's included in the course. That's right, this is just the beginning!  

Announcing Brownble's new course: The Roadmap, the most comprehensive online course to help you go vegan simply and deliciously ! Coming this Fall (2018) 

The Roadmap is just that, a map to guide the way, it's about teaching you a new way of seeing veganism in and of itself, a new way of seeing our own journeys and finding our own way. It's not only about a blueprint that will hold your hand every step of the way (although it certainly is that too), it's about going further, and giving you so many tools that you'll feel confident enough to find YOUR way.

I have to tell you this course has pushed me past my previously held limits. It's taken me places I didn't think I would ever go to, including sharing my story in a way I haven't shared before, seeing it all come full circle. It has been challenging, wonderful, difficult, and thrilling all bundled up into one. I found myself calling Carlos while he was working in the hospital many times, because I was pulling my hair out and needed him to help me make sense of scientific papers and statistics on cancer and heart disease. I never thought I'd be reading papers on ecology, or the effects fishing has on impoverished communities, or meta studies on diverticulitis but there I was, and there we were, laying one brick on top of the other until it became something that had a life of its own.

We paved the road and drew the map so the drive would be seamless for you, so that you could focus on enjoying and eating all the yummy food, and so that you could focus on being kind to yourself through this process of going vegan or making more vegan choices, knowing that we were right there to answer each and every question, and give you support in the kind and understanding way you always love about Brownble. 

We're adding the final touches to The Roadmap and it's coming to you this fall, and of course I wanted you, our listeners and readers, to be the first to hear about it.

Because you inspired this course.

You inspired it with your questions, your stories, your beautiful heartfelt letters and comments, your struggles and your vulnerability and honesty, and this course is that at its core respectful to each and every one of you who are giving this way of eating a chance, regardless of whether you're going all the way to vegan, making vegan choices left and right, or just trying to get started with something as simple as plant based milk in your cereal. 

Because we love you so much (truly! Your names are said in the stories we share over dinner as we talk about your incredible emails and all your little victories), we want to offer this course to you at the early bird price before the course goes live for everyone else. So leave us your name and email here, or by clicking the image below, and you'll be the first to hear when The Roadmap goes live, as well as receive a special deal.

If I could reach out of this screen, I would give you the biggest bear hug, it's all of you who have been making us push harder and harder, and who have made us go further and further. We couldn't do it without you and I hope this course is something that you'll enjoy too! I can tell you it's been made with so much love and excitement. Every single bit of it has been so special to us, and I promise you can feel that in the videos, audios, printables and writings in this course, I don't know how that happened, but it was magical.

Sign up below to be notified as soon as The Roadmap goes live and receive the early bird special deal!

The Roadmap: Going Vegan, Made Simple | A new online course to help you go vegan by Brownble 

The Roadmap

 Coming this Fall!

We can't wait to show you...
Kim and Carlos




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