Last week Carlos and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. We've been together for 17 years so far, since I was a wee teen of 18, so suffice it to say that we've been through so many adventures together. In last week's episode and post I hinted at the fact that I was going to completely embarrass him and record an episode that was a total declaration of love and that included lots of moments for him to turn bright red as he edited the episode. Sure, there's going to be a little bit of that today, but when I thought about how our story could be fun and also help you on your journey, I figured I should tell you our story through the lens of food, food traditions, and what happened when these two meat-loving-love-birds decided to go vegan.
This is going to be an untraditional episode, since we won't have our usual format of the post in written format. That means, I'm including some show notes and links (and photos of course!) below, but you'll have to listen to the episode to get all the scoop!:
I hope you love it!
Show notes and photos
Link to our post: When my Partner isn't vegan
Link to video: Tips for Sharing your Life with a Non-Vegan
From the very first photo we took together (a polaroid on a rollercoaster), to our wedding, our first years of dating, our many road trips together, to our home life, furry kids, Carlos's band, playing dress up, my obsession to hold every dog I see, and more, here are some family pics to go with the stories you heard during this episode.
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